Frequently Asked Questions
How do I cancel a class that I have registered to attend?
At any time, you may contact your yoga instructor to request a cancelation. It is at the instructors discretion as to what their cancelation policy is, but typically, a 24 hour notice is acceptable.
How do I find a specific user or instructor profile
1. Go to the home page:
2. In the search bar, type the name of the user and their profile should appear. You can also search by park, city, zip code, state etc.
How do I make a profile / sign up?
Click the Register link at the top and fill in the form. Once your registered, you will be able to apply to teach or just take classes.
How do I message someone
Use the search bar on the home page to find their profile. Once you've located their profile, click the send message button. If you've already messaged them in the past, you can simply find their message thread in your inbox, click it, and hit reply. To receive SMS text notifications, go to your dashboard settings, enter your phone number, and check the box to enable SMS text. This will text you anytime someone sends you a message through YAP. The text will show you the senders message, but you'll need to login to YAP to reply.
How do I register for a class?
To sign up for a class, you can either let the website use your approximate location to show nearby classes, click the Classes page ( ) or use the search bar to find a specific park or class. Once you've chosen a class, click "Sign Up" and log in or register for a free YAP account. After that, you can proceed to check out.
How does an instructor create a new class
To create a new class, first click the parks link from the top menu and use the search bar to find the park that you'd like to teach from. If that park hasn't been added yet, you may suggest. a park by clicking the "suggest a park" button in the top right corner of the parks page. If the park you'd like to teach from is in the system, select the park and click the"create class" button.

How does an instructor receive their funds?
Once an instructor application has been approved, new instructors can follow the setup instructions in their YAP dashboard to complete the setup of their payment portal, which will provide access to all accounting and upcoming payouts. New instructors will be able to add where they would like their funds sent during this phase of onboarding and can edit this at anytime. Payouts are disbursed every Tuesday.
How long does it take for an instructor account to be approved?
It typically takes 24-72 hours for a background check to come back approved or not approved but in some cases may take longer.
How much does a class cost?
Classes start at $15.00. Some classes cost more depending on the price set by the instructor.
I tried registering for a class but my payment declined
Many payment providers require that all payment information, including billing addresses, be up-to-date. If your payment was declined, it may be due to an outdated address on your payment method, especially if your using Apple Pay. To resolve the issue, please update your address information in your payment method and try the payment again. If you continue to have trouble with payment, please contact us for further assistance.
What are the qualifications for teaching yoga?
1. You have experience teaching and are certified ( If not certified, experience alone IS considered on a case by case basis)
2. You don't have a criminal background
3. You enjoy being outside